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Extension of Deadline to Convert PIO to OCI

Posted on: December 26, 2022 | Back | Print

Press Release 
The Government of India had issued PIO cards to the persons of Indian origin (PIOs) living abroad, including in Canada. However, the scheme was phased out in 2015 and the PIO cardholders have been requested to get their PIO cards converted to OCI cards. This has been widely circulated earlier to the PIOs by Press Releases on Consulate’s website as well as through community associations in GTA. 
2. However, there are a number of PIOs still who have not converted their PIO cards to OCI and therefore, the Government of India has extended the deadline till 31 December 2023. Please note that the conversion of PIO to OCI will be done against payment of a fee, as prescribed by GOI, mentioned on Consulate’s website – www.cgitoronto.gov.in 
3. It is also informed that the above extension of timeline is subject to the condition that if in the meantime any deadline is notified by the ICAO thereby making hand written PIO Cards invalid, then PIO card holders may have to obtain appropriate visa.
4. All PIO cardholders who have not converted their PIO cards to OCI are kindly requested to do so at the earliest. 
26 December 2022

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